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Key Considerations for EV Charging on Your MultiFamily Property


In this webinar David Aaronson, Founder & CEO of REVS goes over:

  • The importance of having this amenity on-site

  • How to choose the right EV charging products and accessories

  • EV charging hardware considerations

  • EV charging software considerations

  • How EV charging financial incentives work

  • How to select the right partner and vendor

Planning on installing electric vehicle charging stations on your multifamily property? If so, watch this webinar recap to learn about what to consider before you do. It's crucial to partner with an outside firm that has knowledge in the EV charging and commercial real estate industry. Having a clear understanding of the property and its residents' needs is required to devise a proper EV charging station deployment plan. Multifamily owners should be wary of relying on manufacturers or vendors for advice. Manufacturers and vendors generally lack a background in the multifamily industry. The primary goal of a manufacturer is to sell as many charging stations as possible to cover network fees, which may result in having an excessive number of stations.

If you're seeking guidance for deploying EV charging stations on your existing property or project under development, get in touch with REVS today to start planning.

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